Thank Goodness Spring is Coming!

We are very excited to be seeing some spring flowers appearing in The Mission House Gardens in Nuhaka.  We have been waiting very patiently to have flowers to create magic with in The Potion Room.

Tulips, Anenomes, Stock, Daffodils and Snapdragons have appeared in the first of the seasons orders to go out.  I was quite shocked at the amount of interest.  Exciting times!

Masses of seeds have been sowed, seedlings and bulbs planted...and now we wait. 

Mission House in Nuhaka was restored by my parents, Margaret and Keith Hayward in the 1970's.  It was built as a Presbytarian Mission in the early 1900's and has a history of love of healing ( part of it's history being a hospital run by Presbytarian Nuns).

The beautiful old house and it's surrounding land was an awesome place to grow up and I now have the honor of being guardian of the house and land with my husband Conan.  We love being able to share the magic with our grandchildren Ivy and Nikau.   The land is slowly being transformed from a country garden and stock paddocks into a place of flowers and nature magic.  Paths have been created, native areas have been planted and flower beds are constantly popping up for flower picking adventures.

The Mission House was created to provide faith and a place of healing and that is continuing now in the present time with flowers and nature.   

Flower blessings to you all x



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